MRP glossary TOP > I > Inventory Transfer
Inventory Transfer
Most of manufacturing companies hold several warehouses. They also often have several factories. Inventory Transfer refers to moving inventory from one to another. When inventory is distributed in different warehouses in a factory, it is usually called "transfer among warehouses" to move it from one warehouse to another as needed, while it is called "transfer among factories" to move it from one factory to another. Collectively, they are called "Inventory Transfer ". In addition, it is called "Scheduled Inventory Transfer" or "Automated Inventory Transfer" to plan an Inventory Transfer by MRP and perform Inventory Transfer according to the plan, while it is called "Unscheduled Inventory Transfer" or "Emergency Inventory Transfer" to perform Inventory Transfer without scheduling it.
Related term: Unscheduled Receive/Issue

Related term: Unscheduled Receive/Issue
Reference:JIT Business Research Mr. Hirano Hiroyuki