MRP glossary TOP > R > Requirements Explosion
Requirements Explosion
Requirements Explosion
It is a MRP's function to calculate the requirements of each item by exploring the issued order to its child orders, referring to the bill of materials. The Requirements Explosion has mainly two functions: Single Level Explosion and Extraction. The former function is to calculate the requirements of the child item along with its parts" explosion, and to enter the result in items in the ascending order of level code. Meanwhile the latter function is to extract items in the descending order of level code. These functions operate along with each other as a pair and perform each explosion level by level using level table and activity chain.
Related term: Material Requirements Planning
It is a MRP's function to calculate the requirements of each item by exploring the issued order to its child orders, referring to the bill of materials. The Requirements Explosion has mainly two functions: Single Level Explosion and Extraction. The former function is to calculate the requirements of the child item along with its parts" explosion, and to enter the result in items in the ascending order of level code. Meanwhile the latter function is to extract items in the descending order of level code. These functions operate along with each other as a pair and perform each explosion level by level using level table and activity chain.

Reference:JIT Business Research Mr. Hirano Hiroyuki
Requirements | R | Reservation