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MRP glossary TOP > Engineering Data Control > Change Based on Date

Change Based on Date

Change Based on Date

It is a method to specify the time when an engineering change is performed by date. When an immediate change is required, the present day is specified as the change date. When a certain period of time is needed before the engineering change, including the case where the old parts' inventory should be considered because e.g. it takes some time until materials and tools can be available, the possible date for engineering change is estimated.

The figure indicates an example where Part b is being used until Nov. 10th, 1983 and Part d is being used on and after Nov. 11th. In such a data of the start point (From) and the end point (To) of engineering change is set in the product structure of B/M. In MRP, an appropriate items for the launching date are selected by comparing the calculated requirements' launching date and the set engineering change's data. The method of this change based on date is the most frequently used for its simple concept and usage.


Related term: Engineering Change

Reference:JIT Business Research Mr. Hirano Hiroyuki

Chain | Engineering Data Control | Change Based on Quantity