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MRP glossary TOP > Material Planning > Expedite



It is a recommendation to be made by MRP, and is used to expedite the delivery date of the order whose logistics is already made for some reason. As shown in the figure, for example, when the quantity of 10 is added to that of Period 3 of Product Z in Part a's plan, the net requirements of 8 occur for Period 3 of Part a. But the lead time of Part a is 4 weeks, and thus the order of 8 is impossible at this point. To deal with this requirements, the delivery date of released order prepared for Period 5 is made to be Period 3 by expediting it 2 weeks earilier. Such recommendation to expedite the delivery date of released orders or work in process iterms is called "Expedite".

Related term: Recommendation

Reference:JIT Business Research Mr. Hirano Hiroyuki

Expedite | Material Planning | Extraction